Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'd Like to Thank the Academy

I am taking a break from my break. I am leaving the confines of my blog-sabbatical and coming to you live and in-person. The reason? Today I won a major award. My favorite writer, blogger, and faraway-friend, Leigh Ann, presented me with this:

Here's the lowdown:
The rules of this award are whatever you want them to be. It would be nice if you linked back to the originator of the award and to give it for the reason he created it:
This award is "dedicated to many who nourish and enrich the spirit and creativity. They see dedication, creativity, camaraderie, joy and above all, ART - much art. I wish that this prize is entertaining to all bloggers who share this space and enrich it a little more each day." ~ Arte Y Pico

I am am honored to receive such a great award from such an amazing writer. I would like to thank her for keeping me on my toes, praising me when I needed it, and showing me how far a kick-ass chick can go with a bunch of talent, some grit, and a little bit of pink hair. I aspire to follow in her footsteps. Around our house, That Girl From Shallotte is famous. Remember her name because tomorrow, it'll be the world!

I would also like to thank Mike for always providing me with great material and for always sitting immediately at his computer no matter what else is going on when he learns that I actually posted that day. It's nice when someone who loves you is also a fan.

This has inspired me to get back on this horse and ride. Writers' block be damned!!


In turn, I would like to pass this award on to two others who are very deserving.

First to KatieO from Sister Skinny. Her blog is now finished due to the fact that she reached her goal of becoming a size 6. She may be a stay-at-home mom and a fitness and weight-loss guru, but above all, she is a writer. I have never "met" someone who is so super-sweet and totally mischievous at the same time. I can't wait until she starts a new blog.

I would also like to pass this award on to Bex from The Blog of Bex. She is dirty and crass, and no subject is off limits, and she makes me laugh so hard about everything from pop-culture to the bathroom habits of her three children that I border on incontinence. Seriously, she puts the really LOUD in LOL.

So, thanks again, Leigh Ann. You are the best blog-buddy a girl could wish for.


Lucas said...

Middle Sister, how I've missed you so! Welcome back and congratulations on your Major Award! "Fra-gee-lay....must be Italian!" Hope to be reading more of you soon.

Bex said...

WOW! Thanks!!! The only thing that could make receiving this award better is if I were also a size 6. That would be the shizzle!!!

Lucas, btw, you get 4 extra points for the excellent Christmas Story reference. Me likey!

Cara - I'm glad you're back in the (blogging) saddle. I've wondered how Chicago is treating my favorite middle sister!!!

katieo said...
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